The Power of Duck – Integrated Rice and Duck Farming


” What Furuno does with ducks, several of my students have achieved with geese and hens, as cultivators and weeders in a cycle of dryland vegetables. It is no longer possible to pretend that chemical “farming” is either necessary or productive nor do people want to eat such products. So, forward to a future, marvellously powered by chickens and ducks.” Bill Mollison 

“While on a  Korean working holiday, in 1996, Bill and I visited numerous farms utilizing, as their sole production system, the Rice-Duck Farming system. Farms sized between 100 and 700 acres. The duck breed used is a cross of small Mallard males over Khaki Campbell females, named Aigamo.” Lisa Mollison

“If you are like us, on a quest for knowledge about sustainable design systems… HAD ENOUGH? We’re talking about the rubbish popularised by chemical companies that rice production is chemical dependent – 10,000 Japanese rice growers have proved otherwise. This book is written by a farmer for farmers – a complete guide to integrated duck and rice farming.” Review from

Takao Furuno, a Japanese rice farmer has been producing sustainable, profitable organic rice for over ten years. Abundantly illustrated, tabled and photographed, this book serves as a text-book for case studies and farmer-evolved natural systems.

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Additional information

Weight 0.75 lbs
Dimensions 11.000 × 8.250 × 0.75 in


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